Counseling Services of AK Asyl Bielefeld

AK Asyl Bielefeld offers various counseling services for people without a German passport. These are:

Counseling about asylum proceedings

Legal counseling about the asylum proceedings

Local Counseling

Social and legal counseling for people with uncertain residence permits such as tolerance (“Duldung”) and preliminary residence permit („Aufenthaltsgestattung“) or without papers

Psychosocial Counseling (“PSZ”)

Counseling and transfer to therapy programs for trauma, displacement and torture survivors

Medical Aid for Refugees

Support especially people without papers in the search of medical aid

UMF Counseling

Counseling for unaccompanied minor refugees

University Counseling

Social and legal counseling for students at Bielefeld University and FH

General Notice

Please note: Our counseling services are primarily open to people from the area of Bielefeld. If you come from another city, you can find more counseling centers in your area on the following sites:

Counseling centers in North Rhine-Westphalia (Flüchtlingsrat NRW)

Refugee Councils in all federal states with lists of regional counseling centers

Information and adresses in other european countries (Portal "welcome to europe")